All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

Pegasus had a fantastic day yesterday exploring Sealife London as part of their ‘Blue Planet topic. The children got to stroke a starfish, have their lunch right next to the shark tank, see many amazing sea creatures and learn new facts about the ocean. The children had lots of fun at the nearby Jubilee Park […]

On Tuesday 14th June 2022, Year 4 set sail aboard the Tudor galleon near London Bridge. The children had a fantastic day aboard the ship learning what life would have been like during the times of  Tudor exploration. The children were dressed as Tudors, learnt how to navigate the ship, fire a cannon and even […]

To begin our Jubilee Celebrations, on the 18th May, the children took part in a dance workshop where they were learning dances from across the Commonwealth , as a celebration of all of the different countries that are part of the Commonwealth. The children learnt a variety of dances and listened to a range of […]

On Thursday 21st April, the Year 6 netball team participated in a 12 school Netball Tournament at Langley.  They won all of their group games, which put them into the top three.  After one draw and a nail-biting end to their final match, Farnborough ended the tournament in second place.   A big congratulations to […]

In preparation for Planting Day next week, Eco Council took a trip to the Garden Centre to choose flowers, plants, vegetables and seeds. We had lots of fun picking which flowers and plants to purchase and planning where the different plants should be planted in the school grounds. We are really looking forward to planting […]

On Monday 21st March, the Year 5 girls’ Netball squad travelled to Bromley High School to participate in a Netball Festival.  The girls played some very impressive netball and finished the afternoon as the Bowl Champions! A huge well done to all the girls, and a big thank you to parents for taking the children […]

World book day at Farnborough has had an Arabian Nights theme this year and the children enjoyed a variety of DT activities such as junk modelling, using a variety of joining skills,  to create a whole school Arabian scene and sewing their own World Book Day bookmarks. The children all looked fantastic in their amazing […]

Giants and Griffins have had lots of fun since they have all been back in school. They have participated in exciting orienteering  activities where they had to read compass directions to find different parts of Neverland hidden around the school grounds and perform tasks such as running on the spot, star jumps and tucking their jumpers and socks in! They then […]

Dragons have been enjoying their Peter Pan challenges and particularly appreciated creating their own Peter Pan themed exercise routine. We had lots of fun trying to them a burpee into a deck washing routine and a squat into a loading a cannon ball action. Pegasus were great sports and allowed us to try out our […]