Parents are asked not to send children to School before 8.35am at the earliest. The school gate opens at 8.35am where the children can walk down the path and wait outside the school. Reception children enter the school by the door nearest to their classrooms, Years 1 and 2 are greeted at the hall door by a member of staff and Years 3 to 6 walk round the school into the door which is located in the Year 3/4/5 corridor.
The day ends at 3.10pm for Reception and Key Stage 1 classes.
Reception pupils are collected from the same door as they entered in the morning. Years 1 and 2 are escorted by the Class Teachers to the top playground where they are collected by a known adult.
At 3.15pm, Years 3 to 6 will be dismissed from the class fire exit/playground doors and taken up to the playground to be met by a known adult. Any pupil not collected by 3.25pm will be taken to the school office and recorded in the late collection folder and office staff informed. Junior children study for 24 hrs and Infants for 21.5 hrs per week.