At Farnborough Primary school our vision for our children is develop them into life-long learners who are continuously striving to improve both themselves and those around them. We want our children to have high aspirations for themselves and our community. We want them to show respect for others, make positive contributions to our school and local community as well as wanting to be part of a change for a more sustainable future.
We want our children to respect everyone for who they are and celebrate their individual differences making sure we have equal opportunities for all. Our children will become creative and independent learners who are self-motivated to achieve their dreams and goals in a safe and engaging environment. We will equip our children with the tools to communicate effectively and show empathy towards others.
Through our core values we aim to develop our children to dream big and be ambitious in their achievements by giving them the tools to be creative, motivated, and grow both academically and as individuals. Our children are fair and patient, show empathy and respect each other both in their learning and as citizens. We want our children to be equipped with the tools need to persevere through challenges and have the determination in everything they do. We want all our children to believe in themselves and remain positive. Kindness is as the heart of our school community allowing children to build friendships and work together, this is key to being successful. We want our children to be in an environment which is supportive and encouraging where collaboration creates a sense of togetherness. Our children will become good listeners who are responsible and trustworthy citizens who want to care for the world they live in.
Charity is an important part of developing our young learners into respectful citizens who can show kindness, empathise, and support others less fortunate than themselves. All our classes have a charity which they support and run a fundraising activity for. This gives the children the opportunity to collaborate in making a positive difference for others. Our charity events run throughout the academic year meaning we are continuously thinking about how we can have a positive impact on through coming together and collaborating on both our school community but also beyond our school gates.
Our core values run throughout all that we do at Farnborough, and this is evident in the behaviours of our children. We celebrate children who really demonstrate these behaviours weekly in our celebration assemblies where children who have really focused on a particular value are celebrated.