

The main points of admission to the school are at:

  • 4+ into Reception 
  • 7+ into Year 3 

Admission at other ages is dependent on availability of places as from time to time a vacancy may occur in other year groups. All waiting lists are held by the  by the London Borough of Bromley Admission team

Information is available to access on their website through the following links:


Contact details:

Civic Centre,
Stockwell Close,
Kent BR1 3UH

Tel: 020 8313 4044
Fax: 020 8313 4089

Policy Downloads

Please click on the links below for more.


Appeals Downloads

Please click on the links below for more.

Nexus Education Schools Trust

Farnborough Primary School is a member of Nexus Education Schools Trust and follows the Bromley Local Authority admissions policy.

Prospective families are encouraged to view the school before completing the Common Admission Form for Reception Entry. The school holds a series of OPEN SESSIONS for families. Please contact the school office to book an appointment.

Email  –

Telephone – 01689 853295

Farnborough Primary School   
Farnborough Hill
Kent BR6 7EQ

Places to the school are offered by the Local Authority on submission of the Common Admission Form and in-line with the agreed admission criteria :-

Admissions criteria

Most Bromley all-ability non-selective schools offer places in the following priority order (more information on oversubscription criteria is available on the website
Looked After Children (LAC)
A child who is (a) in care of an LA or (b) provided with accommodation by an LA exercising their Social Services function. Status also applies to a child previously a LAC but immediately after being Looked After became subject to an adoption, residence or special guardianship order. A letter from the allocated social worker confirming the child’s legal status or an adoption certificate confirming which local authority the child was in care to is  required.
If you have an older child already attending a school (and still attending in September 2017) check the sibling criterion with the school. A sibling is usually a brother/sister/half/adopted/step living at the same address and on the same Child Benefit entitlement. Siblings do not include cousins or other relatives. If you are guaranteed a sibling offer you could decide to list only that one preference.
Is measured in a straight-line between the applicant’s home and the school. Admissions uses Ordnance Survey software to map distances from the unique co-ordinates of the application address to the mapping point of each preferred school (see details above).
Children of staff
The following Bromley schools give this priority after LAC and siblings: Darrick Wood Infant School, Green Street Green, Hayes Primary, Highfield Infant, Keston CE Primary, Midfield Primary, Parish CE Primary, Pickhurst Infant, St. Mary Cray Primary, The Pioneer Academy and Tubbenden Primary.
In all cases, to qualify under the children of staff criterion the member of staff must have been employed at the school for two or more years at the time of application, or been appointed to fill a vacant post for which there was a demonstrable skill shortage.
Supplementary Information Forms (SIFs)
To apply their over-subscription criteria and rank applicants, some Bromley schools need to collect information not requested on the Local Authority application.
SIFs are available from, and must be returned to these schools by the closing date. Schools must also be listed on the Local Authority application. SIFs will not be considered on their own.
Making your preferences
Up to six preferences can be made. Applying for only one school will not increase the likelihood of being offered a place. The preference order will only be used when it is possible for more than one school to offer. Schools will not know what other applications have been made or the order of  preference. Changes to preferences and preference order are not permitted after the application deadline,  unless there are exceptional circumstances (as agreed by the Admissions Manager).
Multiple birth applications
If you are making applications for twins or triplets, etc wanting them to attend the same school, the same schools must  be listed in the same order to avoid the possibility of being offered different schools. If one child of a multiple birth application is offered bringing the school to its published admissions number, the multiple birth sibling will also be offered as excepted pupil/s.
Please note that if a school is offered to one twin with SEN or an EHC plan after it being named on their statement, the twin without a statement must qualify under the school’s admissions criteria to be offered a place at the same school. It is important to ensure there is a strong possibility of your child being offered a place. Distance is usually a deciding factor so you are encouraged to attend open events at schools whose offers have always reached beyond your address.
Admission of Summer Born Children outside of their Normal Age Range
Parents should still submit an application through the co-ordinated process and submit the Admission outside normal age group request form to Bromley Admissions with supporting documentation.
Parents of children born between 1 April and 31 August (referred to as “summer born children”) may decide that they want to delay their child starting school until the September after the child has reached compulsory school age  on 31 August. However, any place already achieved for the child in Reception Year in the usual way cannot be deferred (i.e. held for that child) for the duration of that school year, and parents  will need to re-apply for admission the following year. Such applications will be considered with all other applications in the usual way, applying the oversubscription criteria for that year as necessary. As a place cannot be held for their child in Reception Year, parents should keep in mind that there is a high possibility that there will not be any available places in Year 1 the following year.
Parents of summer born children may request that their child is admitted the following year outside of his or her normal age range into Reception Year instead of Year 1, however there is no automatic right to this. The relevant admission authority will make a decision, having taken into account the circumstances of each case. Where the request is agreed, the application will be considered with all other applications in the usual way, applying the oversubscription criteria as necessary.
Parents will be advised of the decision and why it was reached. If the request is not agreed, there is no formal right of appeal.