Farnborough News

15Jul 2024

On Monday, Year 5 went to the Sky Studios to use their fantastic facilities to produce amazing trailers for their own stories they created. We all had a brilliant time and created some wonderful clips.

12Jul 2024

A massive well done to all the children today. There were amazing at all their racing, throwing, jumping and hitting through the whole day. Thank you to the PTA for supporting the event today and providing refreshments. 

05Jul 2024

Pegasus had a wonderful trip to the London Aquarium on Wednesday 3rd July. They spent some time in the playground of Jubilee Gardens before going on their underwater adventure. The children loved seeing the beautiful creatures up close and learnt a lot of new facts which they wrote up in their Sealife activity pack. The […]

04Jul 2024

Year 6 have been running their election campaigns over the last week. They created manifestos, filmed party political broadcasts and hosted an assembly to persuade KS2 to vote for them.

04Jul 2024

Year 6 visited Foxbridge House care home for a inter-generational sports day. We all had lots of fun participating in many different events, such as the relay, howler throw and egg and spoon race.

01Jul 2024

With great excitement Unicorns performed their play, ‘There’s a sunflower in my supper! The play was a great success. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents for their support with learning lines and providing amazing costumes!