The whole school celebrated Safer Internet Day on Tuesday. The focus this year was about staying safe from scammers online. In addition, Years 4,5 and 6 tested out the Sphero minis, coding them to move around and change colour, using the internet to help them. A big thank you to Bromley High for loaning us […]
Children from Year 2 were at the Kent County Cricket Ground to play in a 7 aside football tournament against lots of other Bromley Primary Schools. This was the first time the children were representing the school at a sporting event and they all did brilliantly. They all loved playing and the adults were very […]
Girls from Year 4 were at the Kent County Cricket Ground to play in a 7 aside football tournament against lots of other Bromley Primary Schools. For most of the girls, it was their first time representing the school at a sporting event and they did brilliantly and loved their morning of football.
Girls from Year 6 were at the Kent County Cricket Ground to play in a 7 aside football tournament against lots of other Bromley Primary Schools. They all played really well and enjoyed their afternoon of sport.
Girls from Years 5 and 6 took part in a netball match at St Mark’s primary yesterday in a really close match which was played in a fantastic spirit. Well done, girls.
Boys from Year 5 and 6 played in a match last night against The Highway, making the most of the brief period of sunshine! Well done, boys!
Boys from Year 5 and 6 played an excellent match last night against Cudham, making the most of the fading light! Well done, boys!
Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a fantastic performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Young Shakespeare Company on Tuesday 14th January. It required the children to help out the actors staging this wonderful play, taking on a variety of different parts.
Happy New Year! We hope you and your families had the most wonderful Christmas and New Year together. Key Stage Two Homework As from this week we will be changing some of the homework content in Key Stage Two. Maths will remain the same on ‘My Maths’ For English/Topic, we will move from the grids […]
Years 5 and 6 performed some Christmas Carols, along with some more modern songs, to their parents at St Giles’ Church on Monday afternoon. It was a fantastic performance and a great way to start the final week before the Christmas holidays!