Farnborough News

17Jun 2022

We have received another amazing gallery of pictures today giving us an insight into the many fun activities that took place on Thursday throughout the day. These action packed activities ranged from climbing to archery. We clearly have some Robin Hoods among us! Please click on the thumbnails below for a larger view.   

16Jun 2022

The Isle of Wight team are back with more pictures. This time from Wednesday afternoon where the children took to the skies… Well, sort of. Click on the thumbnails below for a larger view. I think you’ll agree from the faces that they are all having a wonderful time!

15Jun 2022

Its been another great day of fun and excitement for the children on tour at the Isle of Wight 2022 residential. They were really put through their paces with some fantastic and very challenging team building exercises. As you can see from the gallery below, the children took to these challenges with great focus and […]

14Jun 2022

The children are having a fabulous time on their residential to the Isle of Wight for 2022. They have settled in well and are now taking in the sights and enjoying the many fun packed activities that we have in store for them. We have taken some pictures along the way, which can be seen […]

14Jun 2022

On Tuesday 14th June 2022, Year 4 set sail aboard the Tudor galleon near London Bridge. The children had a fantastic day aboard the ship learning what life would have been like during the times of  Tudor exploration. The children were dressed as Tudors, learnt how to navigate the ship, fire a cannon and even […]

13Jun 2022

On Friday 27th May 2022 Farnborough Primary School children, staff and parents gathered together to celebrate this momentous occasion; Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. The school hosted a wonderful afternoon of tea, cakes, games and fun in the sun.  We also had a family quiz and the junior choir sung for all at the picnic to […]

25May 2022

To begin our Jubilee Celebrations, on the 18th May, the children took part in a dance workshop where they were learning dances from across the Commonwealth , as a celebration of all of the different countries that are part of the Commonwealth. The children learnt a variety of dances and listened to a range of […]

24May 2022

Year 5 had an amazing experience at their residential trip to Penshurst Place (Bushcraft), which they returned home from this afternoon. There’s a wide range of outdoor activities available at Penshurst all designed to enhance social and personal development, whilst having fun and learning new skills. The children took part in some amazing activities including Wild […]

16May 2022

On Thursday 21st April, the Year 6 netball team participated in a 12 school Netball Tournament at Langley.  They won all of their group games, which put them into the top three.  After one draw and a nail-biting end to their final match, Farnborough ended the tournament in second place.   A big congratulations to […]

22Apr 2022

In preparation for Planting Day next week, Eco Council took a trip to the Garden Centre to choose flowers, plants, vegetables and seeds. We had lots of fun picking which flowers and plants to purchase and planning where the different plants should be planted in the school grounds. We are really looking forward to planting […]