All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

Pegasus class got to think like archaeologists on Thursday 9th November when they visited the British Museum. First the children  took part in a workshop, looking at artefacts that had been found in a tomb. They had to work together to identify each tomb find. After lunch there was plenty of time to look around  gallery […]

On Thursday 9th November, Year 5 visited the Al-Emaan Centre to find out more about Islam. Sisters Fozia, Arem and Farheen made us very welcome and told us lots about Islam and what happens in a mosque. It was an excellent trip and really helped with our knowledge about Islam.

Year 5 braved the bad weather and went up to London on the train to visit the Ancient Greek exhibits at The British Museum. We also had an excellent workshop where we got to handle replica artefacts and try to work out what they were.