All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

Year 6 went down to High Elms Country Park to enjoy an ice cream and a doughnut with the money they earned from the Summer Fete. They also made a generous donation to Foal Farm, a local animal charity.

Pegasus class have been working on using the correct shape names and vocabulary to describe 3D shapes, such as vertices, edges and faces. Using spaghetti and  blu-tac, the children were challenged to make various common 3D shapes and then count the faces, edges (aka spaghetti) and vertices (aka blobs of blu-tac). It was a challenge, […]

Last week Pixies had an amazing time on their school trip to Godstone Farm. They saw all kinds of farm animals and we even got to feed the pigs. Everyone had a lovely time and Pixies class are looking forward to finding out what trips they will be going on next year in Year 1.

Year 4 have had a fantastic start to the week by visiting the Golden Hinde. The children were dressed as Tudors and leant about the key roles needed to work on board the Tudor galleon. The children learnt about the firing of cannons towards the enemy ships, what it would have been like to sleep […]

Year One spent one sunny afternoon this week planting garden plants. They were very excited to plant a selection of flowering plants and proud to spot the similarities and differences between these garden plants and wild plants spotted around the school.