All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

On Thursday 7th March, Farnborough children had a fantastic time delving into ‘The Midnight Fair’. This is a wonderfully illustrated book that shows what happens at a fairground once all the humans have gone home. The children were not only dressed up as their favourite book characters but also got to visit the Farnborough Fair […]

Children from Reception to Year 6 had a fantastic time dancing to songs from some very well known books. Year 5 particularly enjoyed their Matilda dance which was all about getting ready to face Mrs Trunchball.

A huge well done to all of our children who took part in the Eco Fun Run. The children had a great afternoon and we are very pleased to say we have raised a fantastic £103 towards our greenhouse. Thank you to everyone who has contributed.

Children from Year 5 and 6 went to Southborough Primary on Thursday to play in a netball tournament. We all had an amazing time and there was excellent play by both teams. A big thanks to Southborough for hosting and also for the biscuits!

Year 6 had a fantastic day at the Imperial War Museum today (28th February). We explored the WW1 exhibits, recapping our topic from the Autumn Term, before investigating the different artefacts and information in the WW2 galleries. A big thank you to our parent helpers today.

On Tuesday, Kent Cricket’s Iain Ager came to Farnborough for the day to run a skills festival for Years 2 through to 6. The children all had a fantastic time  and we are looking forward to cricket tournaments later on in the year. Thank you very much Iain!