All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

The Year 6 Netball team played brilliantly against Wickham Common on Monday evening (14th November).  Although the final result didn’t go their way, the team worked fantastically together and played some great Netball.  

  Farnborough Primary School is very proud to announce that the Eco-Council 2021-22 have achieved the Green Flag award to become an Eco-School! The children worked hard last year to help make the school a more environmentally friendly place. The new Eco-Council is excited to improve the school even further this year and are looking […]

On Tuesday 4th October, Year 6 went on a school trip to the Natural History Museum. This was the first time we went on a train for a school trip, and though it was crowded, it was exciting. The Underground was less fun as it was too loud for some of us. As we walked […]

Pegasus had a lovely sunny day in Broadstairs last week as part of our Blue Planet topic. The children made a variety of sand sculptures including dolphins, turtles and other sea creatures whilst on the beach. One group found a starfish and were excited to set it free again by the rockpools. As we ate our […]