All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

On Wednesday 11th October Children in years 1, 2 and 3 had fun improving their scooting skills in a traffic free space. They were given some safety tips when scooting, practised their scooting and even tried a few tricks! The sun was shining and it was a very enjoyable session for all!

The whole school celebrated National Poetry Day on Thursday 5th October. We all enjoyed listening to different poems, performing poems and creating our own imaginative poems.

The girls played their first league match of the season and put in a brilliant performance against Darrick Wood. It was a very close game with Darrick Wood winning 2-1. Well done, girls.

On Thursday 28th September, Year 6 had a fantastic time at the Natural History Museum. We were fascinated looking at all the information about natural disasters and enjoyed the earthquake simulator. We also helped save the citizens of Volcano Town from disaster when they faced a volcanic eruption.  

Our oldest children were captivated and inspired by Stuart Lawrence’s 2nd workshop of the day. They were able to relate to the topics and think about how they will continue to dream big by having self-belief in all that they do. They began thinking about the challenges they may face and how they could continue […]

Years 1-3 had a wonderful workshop with Stuart Lawrence focusing on how they could make a difference. Stuart was inspiring and engaging allowing the children to chat and discuss how they could make a difference to the world around them. The children had lots of questions and were able to share what it meant to […]