
23Nov 2023

Yesterday, all Key Stage 2 classes were amazed using VR headsets to explore their topics and see them come to life.  Year 3 got to travel back in time to Ancient Egypt, Year 4 explored the Rainforest, Year 5 were transported back to Ancient Greece and finally Year 6 saw what it was really like […]

18Nov 2023

On Saturday 18th November, despite the rain, Farnborough competed in the Cross Country event at Crystal Palace. Over 1,000 children competed from Years 5 and 6. All the Farnborough children finished with a smile and were all very muddy!  

18Nov 2023

Despite the poor weather, Farnborough played in a football tournament against St Nicks and Harris Shortlands on Thursday 16th November. They played really well and won both games. 

15Nov 2023

Pegasus class got to think like archaeologists on Thursday 9th November when they visited the British Museum. First the children  took part in a workshop, looking at artefacts that had been found in a tomb. They had to work together to identify each tomb find. After lunch there was plenty of time to look around  gallery […]

10Nov 2023

On Thursday 9th November, Year 5 visited the Al-Emaan Centre to find out more about Islam. Sisters Fozia, Arem and Farheen made us very welcome and told us lots about Islam and what happens in a mosque. It was an excellent trip and really helped with our knowledge about Islam.