
08Mar 2023

As part of Children’s Mental Heath Week this year, Year 4 have been busy creating a piece of artwork for our classroom. The children have designed a puzzle piece that represents them and the things that they enjoy. This year’s theme was all about connections and our art work shows that even though we may […]

08Mar 2023

  Unicorns had a wonderful surprise today. It snowed! We had plenty of fun with our friends.  We made snow men and snowballs. We hope the snow stays for more than a day!

02Mar 2023

The Year 6 girls played some fantastic netball at an extremely competitive tournament held at Farringtons on Friday 24th February.  They showed excellent team spirit and resilience in all their matches. Well played!  

23Feb 2023

Pixies class went on their first school trip in January. We had an amazing time at the Planetarium and enjoyed learning all about the planets from watching Ted’s Space Adventure and looking at different telescopes which the Astronomers used to look at the night sky. We cannot wait to go on our next school trip […]

10Feb 2023

All classes had a great time participating in Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th February, celebrating technology and also discussing how to be safe, responsible users of it.   Below are some pictures of Reception enjoying the story ‘Hanni and the magic window’ and you can see a gallery of their very own, fantastic windows.