
13Jun 2023

Dear Parents and Carers, Please see our gallery below of the children enjoying their IOW 2023 residential. This gallery will be updated daily so please keep checking back for new updates. Please click on the links below for a larger view.

07Jun 2023

Girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a football tournament with Highfield Junior School on Wednesday 7th June in glorious weather. There was lots of excellent play from all teams and many for girls it was their first tournament for the school. Great work!

30May 2023

Unicorns have been working extremely hard on Secret Agent Training missions which they have now completed.  They have now graduated to become  Official Secret Agents.   As a reward for their hard work they received a Gold Award and enjoyed time in Forest School and had a Tea Party!  This is a magnificent achievement and the […]

26May 2023

These past few weeks Pixies class have been learning all about the season spring. Last week in Forest School the children planted a sunflower seed to take home and grow and this week the class went on a spring hunt around the field and inside forest school to find out what you would see when […]

24May 2023

Year 6 had an amazing day in London, visiting the Bank of England and St Pauls Cathedral.  The children learnt about how St Pauls was affected by World War 2 and enjoyed a tour of the Cathedral. At the Bank of England, the children learnt about the history of the Bank of England and what […]

23May 2023

Unicorns have been learning about Greenland. Did you know it is part of the Arctic Circle? They have found out lots of interesting facts about this very cold habitat.  In DT they have been learning about sliders and levers. They have created sliders showing polar bears walking across snow.  They have thoroughly enjoyed doing this […]

23May 2023

The children have been investigating materials by creating fair tests.  They wanted to find out which materials were the best to cover a tent.  They did two tests: one to see if the materials were waterproof and the other to see if the material was hardwearing! They had great fun being scientists!

19May 2023

Year One’s enjoyed learning about structures in Design Technology, focussing particularly on windmill structures. They designed and then created windmills, using a range of joining techniques. They were really pleased with their final pieces!

19May 2023

In preparation for our trip to the Bank of England museum next week, Year 6 were lucky to have Mrs Robertson come and explain to them the role of the Bank; show them some different currencies and older style British notes; and give them interesting information about the museum itself. A huge thank you to […]