Farnborough News

18May 2021

Year Ones have been very lucky to care for the chicks for the last couple of weeks. We have loved hearing their cheeping sounds when we are working and really enjoyed seeing the chicks hatch and watching them grow in the classroom. We can’t believe how big they have become over such a short period of time. We will […]

22Apr 2021

The Reception children really enjoyed Earth Day – they planted seeds including carrots, sunflowers, cornflowers and cress and lots of vegetables including potatoes, courgettes and marrows. They also weeded and watered their garden area. They are looking forward to watching everything grow over the next few weeks.

22Apr 2021

What a fantastic day! Cherubs had a great time celebrating Earth day 2021. They were very busy with cleaning up litter in Forest school, keeping our school’fresh and friendly’ said Jackson. They planted lots of seeds to help our pollinators. As Luke explained ‘our bees can spread pollen to help new plants grow’. 

26Mar 2021

Dragons have been enjoying their Peter Pan challenges and particularly appreciated creating their own Peter Pan themed exercise routine. We had lots of fun trying to them a burpee into a deck washing routine and a squat into a loading a cannon ball action. Pegasus were great sports and allowed us to try out our […]

26Mar 2021

In Centaurs, we have really enjoyed being back at school together.  We have had plenty of fun during our Neverland topic with making catapults in science to rescue Peter Pan from Captain Hook; learning coordinates to find treasure in Neverland and creating Pirate workouts.  In addition to this, we celebrated Red Nose Day with creating our own […]

26Mar 2021

In Genies we have been really enjoying our Neverland Topic. We have been building models of our own version of a Neverland, built catapults in Science and even created our own pirate workouts. Here are a few photos of what we have been up to.  

26Mar 2021

We have been having lots of fun in Pegasus class!  We received a beautiful dream catcher from Peter Pan, who wanted us to catch our own Neverlands in it.  We then designed and created our own 3D models of our islands, they look fantastic! We used these incredible islands to write our own setting descriptions, […]

26Mar 2021

Unicorns Class were very excited to find a note left by the fairy door in our classroom last week- Wendy needed our help as Michael had been kidnapped by Captain Hook.  We decided that we should create some new strong, brave and clever characters to help in the rescue of Michael…  

26Mar 2021

Cherubs had fun using their map skills to find Captain Hooks treasure. They read clues left around the school grounds which linked to the map. In the end they found the treasure left at the Indian camp, using their problem solving skills to retrieve the treasure, they unscrambled a set of letters to make the word […]

26Mar 2021

The children in Reception are busy learning about the Life Cycle of a Frog. They have some frog spawn in a tank in class which they have been observing closely and there was great excitment when they returned to school after the weekend and they discovered that they had ‘ hundreds of tadpoles’! ​They are currently busy suggesting names for […]