All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

Year 6 enjoyed running their own stalls at the PTA Christmas Market last week.   They hand-decorated their own Christmas biscuits, created a cup stacking challenge and ran a pin the nose on Rudolph competition.  They raised an incredible £185, which will be shared between the PTA and Help for Heroes.

On Tuesday afternoon, Year 5 and 6 performed their Christmas Carol service at St Giles Church.  They had a fabulous time, singing traditional carols such as Silent Night, Hark the Herald and O Little Town of Bethlehem as well as newer Christmas songs such as Feliz Navidad, Jingle Bell Rock and We Wish you a […]

Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a fantastic performance of Macbeth by the Young Shakespeare Company on Monday 11th December. It required the children to help out the actors staging this wonderful play, taking on the parts of characters such as Malcolm, heralds and Fleance.  

On Tuesday 5th December,  Pegasus enjoyed a webinar jointly hosted by the Victoria & Albert Museum and the dance teachers from the theatre production of Disney’s Aladdin. The children were taught a dance sequence in small steps and we all had a good workout!

Yesterday, all Key Stage 2 classes were amazed using VR headsets to explore their topics and see them come to life.  Year 3 got to travel back in time to Ancient Egypt, Year 4 explored the Rainforest, Year 5 were transported back to Ancient Greece and finally Year 6 saw what it was really like […]

On Saturday 18th November, despite the rain, Farnborough competed in the Cross Country event at Crystal Palace. Over 1,000 children competed from Years 5 and 6. All the Farnborough children finished with a smile and were all very muddy!