All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

On Wednesday, the year 6 boys played in a closely contested match which they only narrowly lost. It was a performance full of effort. Well done, boys.

On Saturday 20th April, over 40 children from Farnborough past and present ran the last mile of the marathon from House Guards Parade, past Buckingham Palace and across the official finish line. We all had an amazing time watching and taking part in this brilliant event. 

The Year 6 boys played yesterday in a really well contested football match. It was a very close game played in both glorious sunshine and rain. Well done, boys.

Year 5 had a fantastic time in Hythe today solving clues to find the locations around Hythe. Everyone managed to solve the 10 clues and made it around to the 10 locations. We then went to St Leonard’s Church to have lunch and look around their beautiful church. A big thank you to Reverend Michael […]

Farnborough went to Crofton Junior school to play our first ever boys netball game. It was incredibly exciting and end to end, eventually ending in a draw.