All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

On Tuesday, West Lodge School came over for a netball match. The team played really well against excellent opposition and keep playing right until the end. Well done, team.

In Unicorns we have been learning about plants.  Today we have looked at bulbs that were cut in half.   The children enjoyed using the magnifying glasses to look closely at the bulbs.  They saw inside the bulb, there was a mini plant waiting to grow.

Giants had a brilliant day becoming the crew of the Golden Hinde and experienced life as a 16th century mariner through hands-on activities and immersive role-play. We met some very interesting character’s along the way who taught Year 4 all they needed to know to sail on a galleon. This included, the grisly Barber Surgeon, […]

To celebrate the start of Euro 2024, Years 3 and 4 held a tournament this morning. Ukraine (yellow bib), Portugal (red bib), France (blue bib) and Germany (purple bib – away kit) faced off against each other in a round-robin tournament. The children all played really well.

Giants and Pegasus class got the audience in the mood for a summer of sport with a fantastic production of Go for Gold. Year 3 and 4  worked hard to learn their lines,  songs and dance moves.  All of the children must be congratulated a great performance. We would just like to extend our thanks to […]

Year One’s performed the Not-So Creepy Crawley show today in front of parents, grandparents and siblings today. They were incredible saying their lines, acting and singing. We are so proud of them. Well done!

This week Year 2 have been using the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears to inspire discussion on whether Miss Gold.E.Locks should go to jail for breaking into the Three Bears home. They were able to come up with different opinions for and against.