All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

What a fantastic performance! The year 1 and 2 choir performed a variety of songs to their parents, grandparents and carers today, singing songs about Easter, wobbly teeth and ending with a medley of favourite songs.

This week Year 3 & 4 have performed their production of Plastic Pirates to their families. The children have worked incredibly hard, learning all of their lines, dance moves and song words. We would like to thank you for all of your help and support in enabling us to put the production together. Well Done […]

On Monday 27th March Year 4 went to the National Maritime Museum to learn more about the Vikings. Our workshop taught us all about how the Vikings were not only raiders but also traders. They traded many goods including glass beads, amber and cups made from cow horn. It was a great visit helping us […]

Today we were really lucky to welcome Fizz Pop Science into school to show the children what our new lunchtime science club will be about. The children really enjoyed how exciting science can be and loved all of the bubble themed experiments. Thank you Fizz Pop Science we are very excited about our club starting […]

Pegasus Class has been investigating the properties and features of rocks as part of their science work. One ‘dig deeper’ question we are trying to answer is: Which rock would be suitable to use for an outside sculpture? As part of this we tried shaping and carving chalk. We experienced many challenges! It was too […]

On Tuesday 21st March 2023, Year 5 ventured down to the Coastal town of Hythe. It was a culmination of our Geography topic ‘OS-Map Vs Sat-Nav’, where we compared the two methods of navigation. We had a great time exploring the town finding landmarks using our very own map!  

Year 3 and 4 did really well at the Bromley Primary Schools Cross Country event at Crystal Palace on Saturday 18th March. The rain did not dampen their spirits and they enjoyed the experience along with over a 1,000 other children from over 50 Bromley schools. 

As part of our annual fundraising for Comic Relief we held a colour run. The children had a fantastic afternoon running around the field whilst being showered in coloured holi powder. Thank you to all of you who have helped us raise money for such a worth cause. Thank you to all of our volunteers […]