All posts by: Gemma Ellson

About Gemma Ellson

Year 4 have had a fantastic start to the week by visiting the Golden Hinde. The children were dressed as Tudors and leant about the key roles needed to work on board the Tudor galleon. The children learnt about the firing of cannons towards the enemy ships, what it would have been like to sleep […]

Year One spent one sunny afternoon this week planting garden plants. They were very excited to plant a selection of flowering plants and proud to spot the similarities and differences between these garden plants and wild plants spotted around the school.

Pegasus Class Assembly Thursday 15th June 2023 Pegasus Class presented their assembly on the Romans on Thursday 15th June. Their short play was themed around the preparations for the visit of the Emperor Claudius to Colchester (Camulodunum at the time) when Claudius rode into the city on the back of an elephant. All the children […]

Year 5 participated in a Dance Workshop to celebrate Windrush Day. They also found out why it is a day to be celebrated and heard stories from people from the Caribbean, who came over to England between 1948 and 1973. We will be doing more work next week on St Kitts and Nevis.

Over the last two weeks Year 4 have been working really hard on creating clay Tudor Roses. The children studied the design, thinking about how the the Lancaster and York roses were combined. I am sure you will agree that have done a fantastic job!

Girls from Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in a football tournament with Highfield Junior School on Wednesday 7th June in glorious weather. There was lots of excellent play from all teams and many for girls it was their first tournament for the school. Great work!

Unicorns have been working extremely hard on Secret Agent Training missions which they have now completed.  They have now graduated to become  Official Secret Agents.   As a reward for their hard work they received a Gold Award and enjoyed time in Forest School and had a Tea Party!  This is a magnificent achievement and the […]

These past few weeks Pixies class have been learning all about the season spring. Last week in Forest School the children planted a sunflower seed to take home and grow and this week the class went on a spring hunt around the field and inside forest school to find out what you would see when […]