All posts by: Farnborough Primary School

About Farnborough Primary School

Year 2 had a fantastic day yesterday visiting Dulwich Picture Gallery.  We were lucky enough to have a gallery tour where we had the opportunity to have a close look at some amazing artwork and heard stories about the paintings. In the afternoon we took part in a workshop led by an artist where we created self-portraits and collages […]

Beware, there’s a dragon on the loose at Farnborough! Elves have been planning to catch the dragon. Where is he? How can we trap him? Elves class have been having fun learning about  writing instructions. They’ve been very excited about working out how to trap a dragon at school; they’ve acted out the steps needed […]

The children in Reception had been working really hard at learning and then telling a story – Finding a Friend – using pictures and actions to help them. As they increased in confidence they went to ask if they could perform it to Year 2 and Mrs Matthews. The Year 2 children were a wonderful […]

We would like to say a massive thank you to the Burn family for coming to the schools rescue this weekend and laying the extension to the base floor for Receptions new shed. Also an extra special thank you to Chris Allchorne a​t Crossway’s Builders Yard who kindly provided all of the materials for the job! Here are a […]