All posts by: Farnborough Primary School

About Farnborough Primary School

An enormous thank you to our families for helping to raise a massive £1655 for our Ukraine appeal and £1708 for Comic Relief.  We are so grateful to all of the families that supported these incredible causes and hope that the money will help families just likes ours that are going through horrific hardship and […]

Year Ones have been very lucky to care for the chicks for the last couple of weeks. We have loved hearing their cheeping sounds when we are working and really enjoyed seeing the chicks hatch and watching them grow in the classroom. We can’t believe how big they have become over such a short period of time. We will […]

The Reception children really enjoyed Earth Day – they planted seeds including carrots, sunflowers, cornflowers and cress and lots of vegetables including potatoes, courgettes and marrows. They also weeded and watered their garden area. They are looking forward to watching everything grow over the next few weeks.

What a fantastic day! Cherubs had a great time celebrating Earth day 2021. They were very busy with cleaning up litter in Forest school, keeping our school’fresh and friendly’ said Jackson. They planted lots of seeds to help our pollinators. As Luke explained ‘our bees can spread pollen to help new plants grow’. 

Today was Sing Up Day 2020 and the whole school celebrated by singing together, from Reception all the way up to Year 6 , during Assembly. Every year since 2010, Sing Up sets aside an extra special day to celebrate the power of song and to spread a little singing. Schools and singers join in Sing Up Day by learning […]

The children in Reception are enjoying the build up to World Book Day on Thursday. Today eveyone made a ‘ Let’s Share a Story ‘ hat and then chose their favourite book to share with the class. The challenge now is to try to read them all over the next few days!

Once again Year 2 boarded the Unicorns aeroplane to their second mystery destination.  The clues that they had in order to guess where they were visiting included: ​They had to wear warm clothing. ​They knew that the mystery country is an island. ​They knew that they were travelling to somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. ​Their […]

Dragons (Year 6) had a fantastic trip to the Sky Academy Studios on Friday 14th February. We travelled to Osterley to use Sky’s state-of-the-art equipment to film vlogs (video blogs) about plastic pollution in our oceans. Using our most persuasive language, we hope to convince people to be more careful with how they dispose of their […]