
17Nov 2020

Year 3 thought about what it would be like to be an explorer. We thought about the items we would need, picked up our torches and magnifying glasses and set off to explore Forest School!

13Nov 2020

Years  1 and 2 enjoyed a  joint Farnborough Firework Display. Year 2 shared the sparklers that we had made, looked at Year 1’s fireworks and found out what happens when mentos are mixed with different fizzy drinks. We finished with a warming drink of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows!

13Nov 2020

On Wednesday 11 November, Year 6 attended the War memorial in the grounds of St Giles Church to observe the 2 minutes silence at 11am. As their topic this term is World War 1, they decided to investigate the names of the people on the War Memorial and pay their respects at the memorial. 

01Jun 2020

Today we reopened the gates and welcomed back a number of our Farnborough children with a bright start to their day. It was lovely to see some our families and we look forward to working with the children. We hope everyone is well and send our warmest wishes to all of our families.

11Mar 2020

Today was Sing Up Day 2020 and the whole school celebrated by singing together, from Reception all the way up to Year 6 , during Assembly. Every year since 2010, Sing Up sets aside an extra special day to celebrate the power of song and to spread a little singing. Schools and singers join in Sing Up Day by learning […]

03Mar 2020

The children in Reception are enjoying the build up to World Book Day on Thursday. Today eveyone made a ‘ Let’s Share a Story ‘ hat and then chose their favourite book to share with the class. The challenge now is to try to read them all over the next few days!

02Mar 2020

Once again Year 2 boarded the Unicorns aeroplane to their second mystery destination.  The clues that they had in order to guess where they were visiting included: ​They had to wear warm clothing. ​They knew that the mystery country is an island. ​They knew that they were travelling to somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. ​Their […]

02Mar 2020

Dragons (Year 6) had a fantastic trip to the Sky Academy Studios on Friday 14th February. We travelled to Osterley to use Sky’s state-of-the-art equipment to film vlogs (video blogs) about plastic pollution in our oceans. Using our most persuasive language, we hope to convince people to be more careful with how they dispose of their […]