Happy New Year! We hope you and your families had the most wonderful Christmas and New Year together.
Key Stage Two Homework
As from this week we will be changing some of the homework content in Key Stage Two. Maths will remain the same on ‘My Maths’
For English/Topic, we will move from the grids to written pieces of homework. The children will be set two comprehensions, two written tasks and two grammar exercises every half term. This will be pitched at your child’s ability demonstrated in class.
All children will receive new homework books tomorrow with the sheets for them to complete in their books. We would like the children to write their answers directly in their books and not on the sheets. Some children will be asked to complete their homework verbally with you at home. If this is the case, you will be informed by the class teacher. There will also be a sticker in your child’s homework book if this is the case for them.
Whilst Spellings will continue to be sent home, the children will not be tested in the same way, they will have a ‘dictation’ lesson in school to see if they can use and apply their spelling pattern knowledge in different contexts.
We will also be introducing a weekly mental arithmetic test for children from year one to year six. This will of course be age and ability appropriate and done in a way that supports the children. Everything tested in the arithmetic test will be concepts and strategies that the children have covered in class.
The purpose of these changes is to further support the children with consolidating and practising key skills in reading, writing and mathematics. Whilst we understand that homework is not a statutory obligation, we do feel that the extra practise of these key skills at home will further help the children with their academic attainment and progress.
Please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher should you have any questions or queries.
Hot Chocolate Fridays
We will be continuing to sell hot chocolate on Friday break times to the children for £1. Tuck shop items are also sold at the same time.
If your child would like a hot chocolate, please send them in to school with their money.
Warm/wet weather change of clothes
As the weather during this half term is so changeable, please may we ask that you send your child into school with a suitable change of clothes, including a spare pair of socks and footwear.
In the event that it snows, we will allow the children to play out in it before it melts away, so some spare outdoor clothing in their school bags would be a good idea for the rest of this week.
Daily Mile
From next week the children will be starting to complete the Daily Mile again. Please may we ask that all children bring their pair of trainers in with them each day. Mr Atkinson has set up class challenges which the children will hear the results of every achievement assembly.
Best wishes,
Miss James